Carbon footprint: Whympr's actions for the planet


Laura Montoro

Carbon footprint: Whympr's actions for the planet

How does Whympr minimize the impact of its activities on the environment?

At Whympr, as a committed company, we asked ourselves the following question: what can we do to reduce our carbon footprint? Indeed, in order to combat global warming and take care of our planet, it has now been proven that we need to drastically reduce our carbon footprint.

In our small way, we've tried to implement a few actions to minimize our impact on the environment. This is just the beginning, and we're counting on you to give us tips on how to improve.

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Why does Whympr care about its carbon footprint?

Most of our teams live at the foot of the Mont-Blanc glaciers in Haute-Savoie.

We are living witnesses to the climate change that is unfolding before our very eyes, and it saddens us deeply. Every year, we see its impact on our environment, and all the more so on us as human beings.

So we wanted to take action. In a very concrete way and on our own scale. So, what are we doing at Whympr and Iphigénie to reduce our carbon footprint?

Recap: what is the carbon footprint?

Let's start with a simple definition. The carbon footprint is an indicator that measures the impact of an activity on its environment. It looks in particular at the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by this activity, whether individual or collective (company, territory...). The main greenhouse gas taken into account is carbon dioxide (CO2).

CO2 is emitted by human activities such as transport, housing and the production of goods and services.

  • The carbon footprint of transportation

In France, road traffic emits the most GHGs, followed by air traffic. Transporting goods, or transporting ourselves, takes a heavy toll on the environment. It is in this field that we find the highest rate of CO2 released into the atmosphere.

  • The carbon footprint of homes and offices

After transport, it's our homes and offices that emit the most CO2: heating, electricity, gas, fuel oil, water and waste treatment, furniture purchases, construction, renovations... All this weighs heavily in the calculation of our carbon footprint.

  • Food-related carbon footprint

Food accounts for around 1.15 tonnes of CO2 per inhabitant per year in France. Protein accounts for the largest share. The production of 1 kg of protein in the form of beef emits around 290 kg of CO2 per year.

  • The carbon footprint associated with the production of goods and services

The goods and services we produce every day emit a huge amount of CO2: electronic equipment, the Internet, games consoles, clothes... All these contribute to GHG emissions that are harmful to the environment and life on earth.

  • The carbon impact of an increasingly digitalized world

Our digital activities have increased dramatically in recent years. With an immeasurable negative ecological impact. The production of electronic objects requires significant extraction of scarce natural resources. Datacenters account for a significant percentage of global GHG emissions. Streaming and downloading also emit carbon dioxide.


What concrete actions are we taking to reduce our carbon footprint?

Whympr, partner of 1% for the Planet

First of all, we are partners in 1% for the Planet.

1% for the Planet is an international collective of companies, associations and individuals working together for a healthier planet. It's a worldwide movement supported by companies who have decided to donate 1% of their sales to associations dedicated to preserving the environment.

We donate 1% of our sales to environmental protection associations. Every year.

But we wanted to go even further.


The creation of a detailed report on all our activities

We have therefore compiled our own report. It calculates the impact on the planet of our activities as a company.

We don't claim that it's 100% accurate, but it does try to reflect our carbon footprint as closely as possible each year, so that we can reduce it the following year. It's an indicator that points our behavior in the right direction.


Carbon footprint, the Whympr report

This report includes:

  • The carbon footprint of our teams (business trips if any, equipment purchased, overall energy consumption);
  • The carbon footprint of our products and services (energy consumed via downloads, use of apps and websites).

These figures show us where we need to make efforts to reduce our carbon footprint. This has led us to take concrete initiatives such as:

  • Purchase of second-hand equipment (computers, sports equipment, etc.)
  • Limiting our air travel as much as possible
  • Reducing data storage space
  • 100% work from home

We are aware that these actions and this report are not perfect. But it's a start for us. A small step towards a more sustainable world. We're always on the lookout for advice on how to improve, so please don't hesitate to share your knowledge with us to help us move in the right direction.

And don't hesitate to ask us if you'd like this document in excel format (at, so that you can use it on your own or pass it on to other companies.

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